Quattrum utilizes organizational and process intelligence to develop the renewable energy market with excellence, innovation and competitiveness, based on the intercompany and interdepartmental integration of its administrative, commercial and engineering activities and operations for the entire energy asset implementation, commercialization, operation and management chain, in order to ensure the development and sustained expansion of all its activities, businesses, as well as organizational and operational structures in Brazil.

Market Positioning

core business


Quattrum's differentials and competitive advantages lie in its services and solutions, developed from the perspective of innovation along with market and engineering intelligence. Anchored in the organizational and operational complementarity of its core business, thus represented by its portfolio of non-competing services and solutions, each Quattrum company has a personalized and integrated management platform, aiming to optimize and encourage the other companies in group in the development of their activities, through the continuous sharing of expertise, technologies and markets.



Aiming to serve geration owners and energy consumers in both the free and regulated contracting environments, according to market plurality and relevance, Quattrum will implement, by 2025, the entirety of its administrative, engineering, commercialization, implementation and storage headquarters, strategically distributed in macro-regions, by market relevance.

Quattrum will operate in Brazil in more than 1.179 cities with over 30.000 inhabitants, including the 100 largest cities in the Brazilian agribusiness sector, in order to provide extensive installation and maintenance coverage.



Construction, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, control and monitoring of generating units and substations, including engineering activities applied to structural and executive planning, contract and work management in the EPCM modality and Procurement for acquisition of areas and purchase of power station equipment.

Structural Planning: engineering analysis and dimensioning, including the elaboration of concept projects, from the perspective of engineering applied to regulatory security, quality and energy efficiency, as well as the development of a technical, economic and environmental feasibility study and Financial Plan.

Executive Planning: elaboration and approval of basic and executive projects, from the perspective of the (Owner´s Engineering) or the financier's engineering (Lender's Engineering), from the obtaining and incorporation of implementation and operation documentation (records, opinions, permits, grants, licenses and authorizations, among others).

Procurement and Management: acquisition of areas (real estate) and equipment purchase for the implementation of power stations, as well as contract and work management in the EPCM modality (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management).

Installation: construction, assembly and commissioning of power stations in the EPCC modality (Engineering,  Procurement, Construction and Commissioning), conforme a los proyectos ejecutivos.

Operation: control and monitoring of energy generation and performance, including failures and incidents, from the control, supervision and acquisition of data by the SCADA system. Also, predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance of generating units and substations, according to safety, inspection, and replacement plans for parts and equipment.

Decommissioning: process execution and management of works for de-energization, disconnection, dismantling, demolition, destination and disposal of materials and waste from generating units and substations, including redirection and / or development of the area.



Commercialization and representation of generation owners and consumers in the free and regulated markets, based on energy intelligence consultancy and business intermediation advisory for the contracting of electricity and generation quotas, according to the energy demand of end consumers.

Energy Intelligence: consultancy in regulatory and market intelligence for generation owners and end consumers, according to regulatory frameworks and sectorial analysis, including medium and long-term tariff evolution.

Business Intermediation: advisory and representation of generation owners and end consumers in the contracting of electricity, generation quotas, active power demand and connection to the transmission and distribution systems.

Shared Generation: sale, rental and leasing of generation quotas for consumers situated within the Regulated Contracting Environment.

Free Market: sale of electricity to consumers situated within the Free Contracting Environment.


Solutions in Operational Management and
Energy Asset Management

Operational management and energy asset management for generation owners in the renewable energy segment.

Operational Management: administrative and business consultancy and management for specific purpose entities, according to laws applicable to companies in the Brazilian energy sector.

Asset Management: Due Diligence , contract management, billing management, receivables management, credit collection, debt recovery and rendering of accounts, according to Brazilian energy sector regulatory frameworks.


Integrated and Tailored Solutions for Power Generation and Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency consultancy, development and installation of electricity generation and storage systems, including the implementation of PV plants.

Energy efficiency: energy management anchored intelligence on data and processes, as well as on engineering applied to the development and implementation of energy efficiency projects. 

Distributed Generation: generation, conversion, protection, monitoring, control and storage of electrical energy, from the development and implementation of systems and plants in photovoltaic and Energy Storage technologie Energy Storage.


The Future Energy Today
Innovate with us and join this energy revolution.