Cookies Policy

Quattrum Holding LTDA, a company registered under CNPJ No. 45.566.421/0001-12 (hereinafter referred to as "QUATTRUM GROUP") is the provider of the quattrum.com.br/en/ Website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), uses cookies and similar technologies (hereinafter simply referred to as "cookies") to enable authentication, security, and functionality of the Website, among other features It is emphasized that this policy complies with Law No. 13.709/2018, commonly known as the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), and is aligned with the Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Integrity, as well as to other institutional policies of the Quattrum Group.

Cookies Policy


1.1. Cookies are text files that are placed on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device (hereinafter referred to collectively as a “device”) by websites you visit. It is possible through them to store various user information in the browser, such as login, password, access time and behaviors taken on the website. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your device's hard drive. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners. To learn more about cookies, visit allaboutcookies.org.

1.2 Technologies similar to cookies, such as HTML5 Web Storage, can, like cookies, store small amounts of data on your device. With web storage, the data is stored locally in your browser and is not sent to our web server. Web storage offers two storage options, local storage, and session storage. Local storage permanently stores website-wide data with no expiration date. Session storage stores data temporarily, for a single browser window or tab, i.e., it maps its usage, thus enabling a personalized user experience when browsing.



2.1 The types of cookies can be divided into three main classifications, namely: 

2.1 .1 Related to the Owner

When it comes to the origin of the data, we have:

I. First-Party Cookies: these are cookies inserted by the website itself that the user is visiting and managed by the website owner. 

II. Third-Party Cookies: These are cookies inserted by domains other than the website visited by the user and are not managed by the company. 

2.1.2. Related to the Duration

Regarding the cookie’s lifespan, we have 

I. Persistent Cookies: these cookies remain on the user's device for a specific period. Each time a user returns to the website that created the given cookie; they are activated.

II. Session Cookies: these cookies allow website operators to link a user's actions only during a session. The session starts when the user opens the browser and ends when the user closes the browser. Session cookies are temporary, so all session cookies are deleted when the user closes the browser. 

2.1.3 Related to the Purpose

Regarding the purpose of the cookie, they can serve operational, accessibility, or even advertising purposes, as follows:

I.  Technical or Necessary Cookies: these are essential for our Website to function properly and include basic functionalities, such as identifying the session or providing access to registered users in restricted areas. Therefore, technical cookies cannot be disabled. 

II. User Input Cookies: these are used to authenticate users and help ensure that only the user has access to a given section. 

III. Authentication and Security Cookies: these assist the user in detecting possible fraud on the website and provide protection in certain sections during access.

 IV. Performance Cookies: these collect information about how the user navigates our Website. 

V. Functionality Cookies: associated with the memory of the data provided, these cookies allow the platform to “remember” any choices made by the user, directing them to the functions they may choose, that is, they allow the website itself to remember the user's preferences during the browsing experience on the website.

SAW. Targeting Cookies: used to detect whether or not the user is logged in and can also retrieve data from first-party cookies that the user has registered during their browsing experience.

 VII. Statistical Cookies: they aim to verify how the user interacts with the website, collecting anonymous information during their browsing time. The purpose of collecting such information is to make improvements to the website based on the analysis of aggregated data.

VIII. Marketing Cookies: marketing or advertising cookies are used to analyze user behavior when visiting the website so that, on an occasional basis, other providers can offer personalized and relevant advertising, corresponding to the user's browsing profile.

IX. Security Cookies: security cookies prevent user data from being vulnerable to malicious attacks by third parties, storing information in an encrypted manner.

X. Social Cookies: these allow the sharing of the content accessed by the user on our platform. The data collected by third parties have the ability to track user activity outside of their range of services, sharing their preferences with our platform.


3.1.Our company uses Cookies to provide the best user experience, making our applications easier and more personalized, based on the user's choices, and browsing behavior.

3.2. On our Website, we use the following cookies for the purposes described below. These cookies are stored on your device for a predefined period. Once the storage period expires, they will be deleted.

3.2.1. Essential cookies: These are cookies and similar technologies necessary to operate our Website. They include, for example, cookies that assist in the loading and display of the Website, allowing the user to log in to secure areas of our Website or enhance its security. We are permitted to use these cookies without the user's prior consent. If the user blocks these cookies in their browser, the Website will not function properly.

3.2.2. We also use cookies to identify how users utilize the Website (performance cookies), provide functionalities that personalize and optimize the user experience (functionality cookies), and target and/or recommend content (advertising and targeted marketing cookies); all for the enhancement of our users' experience and to provide them with a better, more intuitive, and satisfactory experience.

3.23. Our Website uses first-party cookies (primary cookies), that is, from the domain quattrum.com.br/en/, to record users' browsing settings and preferences, and generate statistical reports through Google Analytics, as well as third-party cookies to complement these statistics.


4.1. The Website incorporates videos and other media files from Facebook, YouTube, and Google. Users can find more information about the cookies used by these social media platforms and how personal data is processed by them.

4.2. Therefore, Quattrum Group’s Website uses social media buttons and/or plugins, allowing users to connect with their social networks in several ways. For these to function, social media websites, including Facebook®, Twitter®, and LinkedIn®, will set cookies on our Website that may be used to enhance your profile on your websites or contribute to the data stored for various purposes outlined in their respective Privacy Policies.

4.3. Below are links to access the Privacy Policies of each social media platform.



5.1. The installation of cookies is subject to your consent. One of the alternatives for managing cookies is configuring your browser. Tutorials on this topic can be found in the links below:
If you are using Internet Explorer
If you are using Firefox
If you are using Safari
If you are using Google Chrome
If you are using Microsoft Edge
If you are using Opera

5.2. The user can change permissions, block, or refuse Cookies in their browser at any time, except for those strictly necessary (essential cookies). However, revoking consent for certain Cookies may affect the proper functioning of some Website features.


6.1. Our company is supported by the LGPD to process data of the data subjects (individuals, such as yourself), and such "permission" is known as the legal basis of the LGPD.

6.2. The data subject's consent is one of these legal bases and plays a key role in this step involving cookies. That is precisely why cookie notices fulfill an essential role: to notify and inform visitors, as well as properly collect and store consents on an individual basis.

6.3. When the user visits our Website for the first time, we will display a pop-up with an explanation about cookies.

6.4. In this regard, by accessing our Website and expressly accepting that your data will be processed, through a click-on notice, the user will be affirming/consenting to the processing of their data.

6.5. The cookie notice, or cookie banner, communicates that a Website uses cookies and ours states the following:

“To optimize your browsing experience, we make use of cookies. By continuing on the Website, we consider that you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy.”

6.6. Immediately after, there is a "Manage Cookies" button and an "Accept Cookies" button, indicating that the user agrees to the use of their data.

6.7. By the consent of the interested party, the Cookies Policy applies to devices that authorize access to the anonymized and personal data of our users.


7.1. The personal data processed through the Website will be used and stored in Brazil, for the time necessary for the provision of the service or for the purposes listed in the Privacy Notice to be achieved, considering the rights of users and those responsible for data processing (controllers and operators).

7.2. ata collected by Google Analytics cookies can be transferred outside of Brazil. But there are clauses in the Data Processing Terms to ensure that the data is equally well protected.

7.3. The data will be kept for as long as it is relevant. After the period in which personal data needs to be stored, it will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, following the cases legally provided for in Section 16 of the LGPD. That is, personal information necessary for compliance with legal, judicial, and administrative determinations and/or for the exercise of the right of defense in judicial and administrative proceedings will be retained, despite the deletion of other data.


8.1. The Website quattrum.com.br/en/ ensures its users their rights as data subjects, as provided for in Section 18 of the LGPD. In this way, it is possible, free of charge and at any time, to:

I. Object to the processing of personal data at any time. However, it is important to understand that exercising this right will result in disagreement in the relationship between the individual and the State, and, consequently, in less effective processing by the Website quattrum.com.br/en/ in delivering the available services.

II. Confirm the existence of personal data processing, in a simplified way or a clear and complete format.

III. Access their personal data, being able to request it in a readable copy in printed form or by electronic, safe, and reliable means.

IV. Correct their personal data, by requesting their editing, correction, or updating.

V. Limit their personal data, when unnecessary, excessive, or processed in non-compliance with the legislation, through anonymization, blocking, or deletion.

VI. Obtain portability to another provider.

VII. Obtain deletion by revoking consent.

VIII. Obtain the list of data sharing.

IX. Be informed about the possibility of not providing consent.

X. Revoke their consent, thereby withdrawing authorization for the processing of their data.


9.1. To exercise your rights as a user (data subject), as well as to address any questions regarding the Cookies Policy and the processing of your personal data, you may contact the Person in Charge of the Processing of Personal Data collected, the Data Protection Officer (our DPO), through the following service channels: quattrum.com.br/en/fale-conosco/.

9.2. To ensure your correct identification as the data subject of the requested personal data, we may request documents or other evidence that can prove your identity. In this case, it will be informed in advance.


10.1. For the QUATTRUM GROUP, privacy and trust are fundamental to our relationship with the user. We are constantly updating ourselves to maintain the highest security standards.

10.2. The editor reserves the right to modify these rules at any time, especially to adapt and update them to improve the service of the Website quattrum.com.br/en/, whether by providing new features or by removing or modifying existing ones.

10.3. Any change or update to the Cookies Policy will come into force from the date of its publication on the service's Website and must be fully observed by users.

10.4. In this regard, this Cookies Policy may be periodically reviewed, and, at the discretion of the Quattrum Group, modifications may be made to update its provisions to reinforce the company's ongoing commitment to transparency, privacy, and personal data protection.

10.5. In the event of any changes or updates to the Cookie Policy related to the purpose, use, utilization, and management of Cookies, the data subject will be informed, and they will have the option to revoke their consent if they disagree with the changes.

10.6. By continuing to browse our applications after this change becomes effective, the user agrees to them. We advise the user to always check the Cookies Policy, as well as our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of the Website, as they are complementary policies



On April 30, 2023, the Quattrum Group published the first version of its Cookies Policy. To this end, the Group suggests that its Stakeholders read it, to avoid their ignorance. The use of the Website means that the Registered User agrees with the published version of this document.