Quattrum, represented by Quattrum Holding and its subsidiaries, in its commitment and respect for its Stakeholders, encourages good corporate governance practices, by converting the principles of integrity, probity, ethics and efficiency in management into objective recommendations and obligations, starting from of its processes, mechanisms, regulations and policies anchored in transparency, equity, rendering of accounts and corporate responsibility.




The corporate governance practices integrated into Quattrum’s management model comprise all pillars of administrative, organizational and process excellence, providing guidance, management, administration and control. They ensure the interests of the company and its shareholders, collaborators, customers, suppliers and society, in order to ensure the development and consolidation of all of its companies, operations, activities, businesses and projects, by establishing the mechanisms and guidelines for the relationship between shareholders, board of directors, executive board, supervisory and control bodies and committees, and other Stakeholders, as well as the fulfillment of fiduciary duty, regarding management inspection and control, strategic direction, goals and performance parameters of the company and its collaborators.

Based on a corporate structure composed of the Board of Directors, Fiscal Council and Executive Board, Quattrum's corporate governance policies and practices aim at business excellence, customer loyalty, market consolidation, value creation, optimization and preservation of economic value and corporate longevity, by managing conflicts, contributing to decision-making processes, reducing the occurrence of deviations from purpose, fraud and corruption, mitigating risks and adverse scenarios and enhancing the ability to develop new market and business opportunities.



Quattrum consolidates all of its institutional relations with its shareholders, through the representation and accountability of management and the operational and economic-financial results of all of its companies, based on operational reports, reports and financial statements and balance sheets duly audited.

The administrative structure integrated with the systemic auditing processes sustains the successful model of operational management services and energy asset management for Special Purpose Entities - SPEs, by incorporating the rendering of accounts of all stages and processes of development of the business society.

Internal Audit: operates in all Quattrum companies, processes, operations, activities and businesses, ensuring that the internal control system is satisfactory, by promoting operational efficiency and effectiveness and compliance with management rules and guidelines, submitting to the executives the execution and control responsibilities within their departments.

Independent Audit: operates in the analysis and approval of accounting, tax, financial, administrative and operational information, being carried out by companies that have no connection or subordination to Quattrum.



Quattrum, through the Audit and Risks Committee, established by the Board of Directors, advises, guides, analyzes and evaluates management / administration acts, independently from the other constituted bodies and committees, ensuring the integrity of controls and processes, with a focus on ensuring compliance with Quattrum management and corporate governance principles and practices.

Quattrum's Audit and Risk Committee, following the guidance of the IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance), ensures the development of an ethical and transparent corporate environment, by providing for the adoption of a reporting channel, as well as the impartiality and effectiveness of controls that generate reports on monitoring, assessments and risk management, by optimizing internal controls to prevent corruption and fraud, in compliance with and adherence to Brazilian and international auditing laws, rules and regulations.


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